Types Of Travel


Types Of Travel

Travel is the movement of humans between various geographic locations. Travel can take place by automobile, bike, foot, plane, train, bus, boat or any other mode of transportation, with or without personal luggage, and is either one way to another, or round trip. There are three types of travel: first, round trip; two way travel; and multi-destination travel. First type of travel is generally more expensive than second and third type of travel. Multi-destination travel involves taking a trip that includes stops at some place where the traveler wants to spend some time.

Luxury travel is a type of travel in which the traveler has more control over his/her travel experience than the other types of travel. This type of travel involves traveling to several different locations within a country, or even an area of the world. Most luxury travel is associated with travel to places that are less expensive to travel to than other places, or with luxurious accommodations. The main purpose of luxury travel is to relax and be pampered while one is on a vacation.

Adventure travel is defined as travel to an unusual destination for a special purpose, such as a backpacking adventure, deep sea diving, skiing, or white water rafting. For those who are looking for a change of pace from the typical vacations, adventure travel offers that. It could be a cross-country hike or a scenic river trip, trekking, kayaking, rock climbing, etc. Adventure travel also provides an opportunity to work off your vacation energy by engaging in activities that one would not ordinarily consider during a vacation. Many adventure travel companies provide special services such as overnight accommodations, transportation and guides, making them ideal for anyone looking for a mix of work experience and travel convenience.