Do You Have a Gambling Addiction?

Gambling is the voluntary wagering on an event by the intent of winning some other thing of equal value with the intention of losing something else also of equal value. Gambling needs three components for it to be considered: risk, consideration, and a prize to win. It also requires an agreement or contract between the player and the game master. The agreement or contract is usually a written agreement between the two parties. Since the gambling is a game of chance, there is no guarantee that a player will win.


People with addiction in gambling do so for reasons that are considered valid. This is because of the thrill that is felt when they win and the feeling of power and control over the outcome of the game. Gambling addictions are manifested in different ways, depending on the person and the level of the addiction. For example, in higher risk gamblers, addiction may manifest as having repeated successes at a single game while in a lower risk group it could be a gambling addiction that causes binging.

People who gamble tend to have a very distorted view of the world around them and they often see things in a more negative light than they would normally do. People with gambling addictions can be seen as self-destructive or as irresponsible, but the reality is that these people do not know any better and they are simply acting out a part of their personality. They are only trying to release some of that pressure and excitement from their lives by gambling away. While this may seem like a good thing for some, this kind of behavior can lead to deeper problems down the road such as depression and anxiety disorders.