Fashion As an Image Source
Fashion is the weaving of textile materials to produce objects of daily life. Fashion designers are people who create new, innovative, original, appealing, and exciting fashion designs for people to wear. Fashion is not only a mode of self-expression but also of individuality and autonomy in a certain time and place and in a certain context, of dress, footwear, makeup, jewelry, hairstyle, body posture, and accessories. In its broader sense, the word also means a complete look defined by the fashion Industry as what is currently fashionable.
Fashion can be described from different perspectives. For the young generation it is an exciting, a free world of styles, colors, and fashion, the independence from the traditional society, the emergence of modernity. On the other hand, for the older generation of consumers, fashion is something of an art form, an attempt to express their own personality through clothes and accessories. However, for the middle class, fashion is concerned more with saving money through affordable clothing styles, than having fashionable taste.
Every person has an image of who they want to be. This image or “style,” is an intangible idea, like a physical trait or a behavioral characteristic. However, it can be shaped and molded by the clothes we wear, the accessories we use, our behavior, our attitudes, or even our choice of career. The success of any fashion design depends on the success of its image source. It is only through this “source,” that the designer can channel the power of fashion into its realm of influence. The success of any fashion style depends on successfully defining the essence of that style, bringing out the essence of individual personality, individualism, and individuality.