Food Allergies and the Need to Stay Healthy
Food is any material consumed to supply nutrition to an organisms. Generally, food is of animal, plant or fungi origin, and consists of necessary nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or minerals, which are essential for the growth and maintenance of an organism’s tissues. Any material that is consumed that is not vital to the growth or maintenance of an organisms would be called wastage or nonfood. Some examples of nonfood material are wastes produced during the digestion of food by animals and plants, toxins created in the digestive system of animals and plants, and the dead cells of the microorganisms living in the soil.
One of the most important requirements of the human body, and the one most often ignored by most people, is the need for fibre in the diet. In order to keep the weight down, even when people consume a wide variety of foods, many researchers have found that a diet rich in fibre is very effective in helping to control the accumulation of fat and other substances that are not necessary for energy production in the body. Foods, which contain a considerable amount of soluble (fiber) fibre are: rice, beans, apples, avocados, psyllium, legumes, pears, oatmeal, peas, and bran.
Sugar, whether it be in the form of table sugar, sucrose, turbinado sugar, fructose, molasses, high-fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, honey, maple syrup, brown sugar, processed sugar, evaporated cane sugar, maple sweetening and fructose, corn syrup, and white sugar, is an additional food that is beneficial to the diet but should be taken in moderation. It should be used in small quantities, for example, one teaspoon of brown sugar added to a glass of water with a slice of lemon added every morning before your breakfast. A teaspoon of evaporated cane sugar added to eight ounces of water during the afternoon is a good snack. Unprocessed foods that contain sugar but not in the form of refined or juniper sugar can also be eaten in limited quantities as they are an important source of fibre.