The History Of Fashion


The History Of Fashion

Fashion is a unique form of autonomy and self-expression in a certain context and at a certain time and in a certain setting, of clothes, footwear, accessories, cosmetics, hairstyle, and physical body posture. The word itself implies a distinctive appearance defined by the fashion industry as what is popular at a given time and place. It is not so much what is fashionable, but what is deemed fashionable. It is not only a visual art, but also an act of interpretation and communication of the fashion world.

A good fashion is always consciously planned, it is not spontaneous and it does not aim to please oneself alone, but the viewer and/or the occasion in question. The purpose of dressing is to become fashionable. This is to express the human body in its most natural and uninhibited form, without defaming or humiliating it in any way. Fashion aims at making the individual feel comfortable and at the same time appealing to the eye and the senses of the human body, this is achieved by a combination of fabrics, color, shape, cut, form and harmony.

As such fashion is not given time and space to develop on its own, it becomes a directed experience for the designer. Therefore a dress meant to be worn at a high fashion society would not be suitable for a low fashion society. But if we take into account the immense popularity of high fashion, one conclusion can be made, that even such socially repressed societies have a high level of fashion. Even the social, political, and economic revolutions in the last century, gave rise to new tendencies and new styles. Thus it can be concluded that the history of fashion cannot be limited to one or two styles; it is, in fact, a continuously changing field, which continues to develop in all directions. Fashion designers, following the trends in the market, are faced with an immense challenge to present new and fresh ideas to the world of fashion.